/*L.tileLayer('https://api.tiles.mapbox.com/v4/{id}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token={accessToken}', { attribution: 'Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox', maxZoom: 18, id: 'mapbox.streets', accessToken: 'your.mapbox.access.token' }).addTo(mymap);*/ ////////////////////////// // AFFICHAGE INFO BULLE // ////////////////////////// function DisplayInfosRoad(Point, type, context) { // Creation de la DIV qui va contenir les informations dans l'info bulle var div = createElem("div", "", "infowindow", ""); // Ajout du titre var title = "Adresse"; switch (context.toUpperCase()) { case "DEP": title = "Lieu de départ"; break; case "ARR": title = "Lieu d'arrivée"; break; case "VIA": title = "Étape"; break; } div.appendChild(createElem("p", "", "typePt type" + type, Point.Name + " (" + Point.Locality.Name + ")")); // Ajout du libelle du point // div.appendChild(createElem("p", "", "title", Point.Name + " (" + Point.Locality.Name + ")")); // Ajout des liens if (MOBILE_MODE == "0" && (context == "" || context == "CENTER")) { //if (RUB_CODE == RUB_CARTE_INTERACTIVE) // div.appendChild(BuildLinkCarto(Point, type)); if(RUB_CODE == RUB_CARTE_INTERACTIVE || RUB_CODE == RUB_RI || RUB_CODE == RUB_PRESENTATION || RUB_CODE == RUB_DEPOSITAIRE) div.appendChild(BuildLinkRI(Point, type)); } div.appendChild(createElem("div", "", "clear", "")); return div; } function DisplayInfosPlace(Point) { var categ = "1"; if (Point.Category != null) categ = Point.Category; else if (Point.CategoryList.length > 0) categ = Point.CategoryList[0].Id; var categorie = ArrayPlacesCateg[categ]; // Creation de la DIV qui va contenir les informations dans l'info bulle var div = createElem("div", "", "infowindow", ""); // Ajout du titre var divtitle = createElem("div", "", "titleInfo", ""); if (categ != 3) divtitle.appendChild(createImg("", "", categorie, CARTO_IMG + "place_" + categ + "_w.png")); divtitle.appendChild(createElem("p", "", "typePt type" + TYPE_LP, Point.Name + " (" + Point.Locality.Name + ")")); div.appendChild(divtitle); // Ajout du libelle du point var libelle = Point.Name + " (" + Point.Locality.Name + ")"; if (categ == 3) libelle = Point.Name; //div.appendChild(createElem("p", "", "title", libelle)); //Ajout bike if (categ == 4) { if (Point.FreeBikes != null) div.appendChild(createElem("div", "", "infosTR", Point.FreeBikes + " vélos disponibles")); if (Point.FreePlaces != null) div.appendChild(createElem("div", "", "infosTR", Point.FreePlaces + " places disponibles")); } if (categ == 9 && typeof(Point.FreePlaces) != 'undefined') { div.appendChild(createElem("div", "", "infosTR", Point.FreePlaces + " places de parking disponibles")); } // Ajout des liens if (MOBILE_MODE == "0") { //if (RUB_CODE == RUB_CARTE_INTERACTIVE) // div.appendChild(BuildLinkCarto(Point, TYPE_LP)); if(RUB_CODE == RUB_CARTE_INTERACTIVE || RUB_CODE == RUB_PLAN || RUB_CODE == RUB_HORAIRE_LIGNE || RUB_CODE == RUB_HORAIRE_ARRET || RUB_CODE == RUB_PRESENTATION || RUB_CODE == RUB_DEPOSITAIRE) div.appendChild(BuildLinkRI(Point, TYPE_LP)); else if(RUB_CODE == RUB_LIAISON) div.appendChild(getLinkLiaisonDirecte(Point)); else if(RUB_CODE == RUB_HORAIRES_SCOLAIRES) div.appendChild(getLinkHorairesScolaires(Point)); if (RUB_CODE == RUB_CARTE_INTERACTIVE || RUB_CODE == RUB_PRESENTATION || RUB_CODE == RUB_DEPOSITAIRE) { var url = ""; if (RUB_CODE == RUB_CARTE_INTERACTIVE) { url = "/carte_interactive/?rub_code=145&pointDep="+Point.Id+"$"+Point.Name+"$"+Point.PointType+"$"+Point.LocalityId; } else if (RUB_CODE == RUB_DEPOSITAIRE) { url = "/depositaire/?rub_code=15&pointDep="+Point.Id+"$"+Point.Name+"$"+Point.PointType+"$"+Point.LocalityId; } else { url = "/presentation/?rub_code=1&thm_id="+THM_ID_VELOMAGG+"&pointDep="+Point.Id+"$"+Point.Name+"$"+Point.PointType+"$"+Point.LocalityId; } var divPlusInfos = createElem("div", "", "link", ""); var linkPoint = createLink("plusInfos" + Point.Id, "plusInfos", "Choisir ce lieu", url, ""); divPlusInfos.appendChild(linkPoint); div.appendChild(divPlusInfos); } if (RUB_RI == RUB_CODE) div.appendChild(BuildLinkRI(Point, TYPE_LP)); } div.appendChild(createElem("div", "", "clear", "")); return div; } function DisplayInfosStop(Point) { // Creation de la DIV qui va contenir les informations dans l'info bulle var div = createElem("div", "", "infowindow", ""); // Ajout du titre var divtitle = createElem("div", "", "titleInfo", ""); //divtitle.appendChild(createImg("", "", "Arret", CARTO_IMG + "stop_w.png")); divtitle.appendChild(createElem("p", "", "typePt type" + TYPE_PTA, Point.Name + " (" + Point.Locality.Name + ")")); div.appendChild(divtitle); // Ajout du libelle du point //div.appendChild(createElem("p", "", "title", Point.Name + " (" + Point.Locality.Name + ")")); // Ajout des liens if (MOBILE_MODE == "0") { if(RUB_CODE == RUB_CARTE_INTERACTIVE || RUB_CODE == RUB_PLAN || RUB_CODE == RUB_HORAIRE_LIGNE || RUB_CODE == RUB_HORAIRE_ARRET ) { if(Point.LineList != null) div.appendChild(createLinesList(Point)); } if ((RUB_CODE == RUB_PLAN || RUB_CODE == RUB_HORAIRE_LIGNE || RUB_CODE == RUB_HORAIRE_ARRET) ) { var divLinkCarto = BuildLinkCarto(Point, TYPE_PTA); addClassOnElement(divLinkCarto,"link"); div.appendChild(divLinkCarto); } if( (RUB_CODE == RUB_CARTE_INTERACTIVE || RUB_CODE== RUB_PLAN || RUB_CODE == RUB_HORAIRE_LIGNE)) div.appendChild(BuildHourStopLink(Point)); if(RUB_CODE == RUB_CARTE_INTERACTIVE || RUB_CODE == RUB_PLAN || RUB_CODE == RUB_HORAIRE_LIGNE || RUB_CODE == RUB_HORAIRE_ARRET || RUB_CODE == RUB_PRESENTATION || RUB_CODE == RUB_DEPOSITAIRE || RUB_RI == RUB_CODE) { div.appendChild(BuildLinkRI(Point, TYPE_PTA)); } if(RUB_CODE == RUB_LIAISON) div.appendChild(getLinkLiaisonDirecte(Point)); } div.appendChild(createElem("div", "", "clear", "")); return div; } function DisplayInfosTripPoint(Point, context) { // Creation de la DIV qui va contenir les informations dans l'info bulle var div = createElem("div", "", "infowindow", ""); // Ajout du titre var divtitle = createElem("div", "", "titleInfo", ""); if (Point.PointType == TYPE_LP && Point.Category != 3) divtitle.appendChild(createImg("", "", Point.Name, CARTO_IMG + "place_" + Point.Category + "_w.png")); divtitle.appendChild(createElem("p", "", "typePt type" + Point.PointType, Point.Name + " (" + Point.Locality.Name + ")")); // Ajout du titre var title = "Arrêt"; switch (context.toUpperCase()) { case "CENTER": if (Point.PointType == TYPE_LP){ title = ArrayPlacesCateg[Point.Category]; } else if (Point.PointType == TYPE_RUE) { title = "Adresse"; } break; case "DEP": title = "Lieu de départ"; break; case "ARR": title = "Lieu d'arrivée"; break; case "VIA": title = "Étape"; break; } div.appendChild(divtitle); // Ajout du libelle du point var libelle = Point.Name + " (" + Point.Locality.Name + ")"; if (Point.PointType == TYPE_LP && Point.Category == 3) libelle = Point.Name; //div.appendChild(createElem("p", "", "title", libelle)); //Ajout bike if (Point.PointType == TYPE_LP && Point.Category == 4 && typeof(Point.FreeBikes) != 'undefined') { div.appendChild(createElem("div", "", "infosTR", Point.FreeBikes + " vélos disponibles")); div.appendChild(createElem("div", "", "infosTR", Point.FreePlaces + " places disponibles")); } if (Point.PointType == TYPE_LP && Point.Category == 9 && typeof(Point.FreePlaces) != 'undefined') { div.appendChild(createElem("div", "", "infosTR", Point.FreePlaces + " places de parking disponibles")); } // Ajout des liens if (MOBILE_MODE == "0" && context == "CENTER") { if(RUB_CODE == RUB_CARTE_INTERACTIVE || RUB_CODE == RUB_PLAN || RUB_CODE == RUB_HORAIRE_LIGNE || RUB_CODE == RUB_HORAIRE_ARRET || RUB_RI == RUB_CODE || RUB_CODE == RUB_PRESENTATION || RUB_CODE == RUB_DEPOSITAIRE) div.appendChild(BuildLinkRI(Point, Point.PointType)); else if(RUB_CODE == RUB_LIAISON) div.appendChild(getLinkLiaisonDirecte(Point)); else if(RUB_CODE == RUB_HORAIRES_SCOLAIRES) div.appendChild(getLinkHorairesScolaires(Point)); } if (RUB_CODE == RUB_CARTE_INTERACTIVE || RUB_CODE == RUB_PRESENTATION || RUB_CODE == RUB_DEPOSITAIRE) { if (document.getElementById("infosPoi") != null) { var divPlusInfos = createElem("div", "", "link", ""); var linkPoint = createLink("plusInfos" + Point.Id, "plusInfos", "Plus d'infos", "#", "ShowInfosPoi();"); divPlusInfos.appendChild(linkPoint); div.appendChild(divPlusInfos); } } if (RUB_RI == RUB_CODE) div.appendChild(BuildLinkRI(Point, Point.PointType)); div.appendChild(createElem("div", "", "clear", "")); return div; } ////////////////////////// // AFFICHAGE RESULT DIV // ////////////////////////// function createPlacesList (obj, centerPoint) { var divListPlaces = createElem("div", "listPlaces", "", ""); // Creation de la DIV qui va contenir les informations var divDescriptionPlace = createElem("div", "descriptionPlace_"+ obj.Id, "descriptionPlace", ""); // Ajout du titre var divTitle = createElem("div", "", "title", ""); var aTitle = createLink("Placetitle_"+obj.Id, "plus left", First2UpperCase(obj.Name), "#gmap", "javascript:ClearWalkTrajects(ArrayWalkTrajects);ZoomOnPoint("+obj.Id +", TYPE_LP);"); divTitle.appendChild(aTitle); var categ = "1"; if (obj.Category != null) categ = obj.Category; else if (obj.CategoryList.length > 0) categ = obj.CategoryList[0].Id; var categorie = ArrayPlacesCateg[categ]; divTitle.appendChild(createElem("span", "", "spanNetwork", categorie)); divTitle.appendChild(createElem("div", "", "clear", "")); divDescriptionPlace.appendChild(divTitle); // Ajout de la description var divTextdescription = createElem("div", "textDescription_"+ obj.Id, "textDescription hideText", ""); var divLinkWalk = createElem("div", "", "linkWalk", ""); var aLinkWalk = createLink("Placetitle_"+obj.Id, "", "Rejoindre à pied", "#gmap", "javascript:ClearWalkTrajects(ArrayWalkTrajects);DisplayWalkItineray("+centerPoint.Latitude+","+centerPoint.Longitude+","+obj.Latitude+","+obj.Longitude+")"); divLinkWalk.appendChild(aLinkWalk); divTextdescription.setAttribute("name","textDescription"); divTextdescription.appendChild(divLinkWalk); divTextdescription.appendChild(createElem("div", "", "clear", "")); divDescriptionPlace.appendChild(divTextdescription); divListPlaces.appendChild(divDescriptionPlace); return divListPlaces.innerHTML; } function createStopsList (obj, centerPoint) { var divListStops = createElem("div", "liststops", "", "") var divDescriptionStop = createElem("div", "descriptionStop_"+ obj.Id, "descriptionStop", "") // titre Arret var divTitle = createElem("div", "", "title", "") divTitle.appendChild(createLink("Stoptitle_"+obj.Id, "plus left", First2UpperCase(obj.Name), "#gmap", "javascript:ClearWalkTrajects(ArrayWalkTrajects);ZoomOnPoint("+obj.Id +","+ TYPE_PTA +");")); divTitle.appendChild(createElem("span", "", "spanNetwork", obj.Operator.Name)); divTitle.appendChild(createElem("div", "", "clear", "")); divDescriptionStop.appendChild(divTitle); var divTextdescription = createElem("div", "textDescription_"+ obj.Id, "hideText", ""); divTextdescription.setAttribute("name","textDescription"); // Lien "rejoindre à pied" var divLinkWalk = createElem("div", "", "linkWalk", "") divLinkWalk.appendChild(createLink("", "", "Rejoindre à pied", "#gmap", "javascript:ClearWalkTrajects(ArrayWalkTrajects);DisplayWalkItineray("+centerPoint.Latitude+","+centerPoint.Longitude+","+obj.Latitude+","+obj.Longitude+",'#00DBB9'"+")")); divTextdescription.appendChild(divLinkWalk); divTextdescription.appendChild(createElem("div", "", "clear", "")); if(obj.LineList.length != 0) { divTextdescription.appendChild(createElem("div", "", "title", "Horaires de(s) ligne(s) passant à cet arrêt:")); } else { divTextdescription.appendChild(createElem("div", "", "", "CARTO/NO_LINE indéfini")); } // Liste des lignes for (var i = 0; i < obj.LineList.length; ++i) { for (var j = 0; j < obj.LineList[i].DirectionList.length; ++j) { var divLine = createElem("div", "", "line", ""); divLine.appendChild(createElem("div", "", "pictoLine pictoOp"+obj.OperatorId, obj.LineList[i].Number)); divLine.appendChild(createLink("", "", " vers " + obj.LineList[i].DirectionList[j].Name.toLowerCase(), "/horaires_arret/?rub_code=28&lign_id="+ obj.LineList[i].Id+"&sens="+obj.LineList[i].DirectionList[j].Direction+"&pa_id="+ obj.Id)) divLine.appendChild(createElem("div", "", "clear", "")); divTextdescription.appendChild(divLine); } } divTextdescription.appendChild(createElem("div", "", "clear", "")); divDescriptionStop.appendChild(divTextdescription); divListStops.appendChild(divDescriptionStop); return divListStops.innerHTML; } function createLinesList(data) { var descriptionLine= createElem("div", "", "", ""); var listLines= createElem("div", "", "listLines", ""); if(data.LineList.length != 0) { //listLines.appendChild(createElem("div", "", "", "Ligne(s) associée(s)")); //listLines.appendChild(createElem("div", "", "clear", "")); } else { listLines.appendChild(createElem("div", "", "", "CARTO/NO_LINE indéfini")); listLines.appendChild(createElem("div", "", "clear", "")); } /*var tabLines = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < data.LineList.length; ++i) { //On verifie que la ligne n'a pas deja été ajoutée if(!contains(tabLines,data.LineList[i].Id)) { tabLines.push(data.LineList[i].Id); var divLine = createElem("div", "", "line", ""); if (RUB_CODE == "28") { divLine.appendChild(createElem("div", "", "pictoLine pictoOp"+data.LineList[i].OperatorId, "")); divLine.appendChild(createImgLink("", "", "Horaires de la ligne", "/ftp/FR_ligne/L"+data.LineList[i].Number+".png", "/horaires_ligne/index.asp?rub_code=6&lign_id=" + data.LineList[i].Id + "&sens=" + data.LineList[i].DirectionList[0].Direction )); } else { divLine.appendChild(createElem("div", "", "pictoLine pictoOp"+data.LineList[i].OperatorId, data.LineList[i].Number+" ")); } if (data.LineList[i].DirectionList[0].Disrupted) { divLine.appendChild(createImgLink("", "", "Voir les perturbation(s) de la ligne", imgDisrupt, "/perturbation/?rub_code=17&lign_id=" + data.LineList[i].Id)); } if (parseInt(DISPLAY_LINE_PLAN) == 1){ divLine.appendChild(createImgLink("", "", "Plan de ligne", imgLine, "/plan/?rub_code=5&lign_id=" + data.LineList[i].Id + "&sens=" + data.LineList[i].Direction)); } //listLines.appendChild(divLine); } }*/ var divLines = document.createElement("div"); addClassOnElement(divLines,"lines"); addPictoLinesStop(data.LogicalStopId, divLines); listLines.appendChild(divLines); descriptionLine.appendChild(listLines); return descriptionLine; } ///////////////////// // BUILD LINK // ///////////////////// function BuildLinkCarto(Point, type) { var divMain = document.createElement("div"); addClassOnElement(divMain,"carte_interactive link"); var span = document.createElement("span"); var textSpan = document.createTextNode("Plus d'infos "); span.appendChild(textSpan); //divMain.appendChild(span); var aDep=document.createElement("a"); if(type == TYPE_PTA) { aDep.setAttribute("class", "cartoPoint"); aDep.setAttribute("href","/carte_interactive/?rub_code=145&latDep="+Point.Latitude+"&lonDep="+Point.Longitude); } else { aDep.setAttribute("class", "cartoPoint"); aDep.setAttribute("href","/carte_interactive/?rub_code=145&pointDep=" + setTripPointKey(Point, type)); } var textDep = document.createTextNode("A proximité"); aDep.appendChild(textDep); divMain.appendChild(aDep); return divMain; } // Création du lien "horaires à l'arrêt" function BuildHourStopLink(Point) { var date; if (document.getElementById("date") == null) { var dateObj = document.getElementById("laDate"); if (dateObj == null) { var laDate =new Date(); date = laDate.getDate()+"/"+(laDate.getMonth()+1)+"/"+laDate.getFullYear(); } else { date= dateObj.value; } } else { date = document.getElementById("date").value; } var lineId = Point.LineList[0].Id; var sens = Point.LineList[0].DirectionList[0].Direction; var divLink= document.createElement("div"); addClassOnElement(divLink,"link"); var aLink= document.createElement("a"); aLink.setAttribute("class", "hourStop"); aLink.setAttribute("href","/horaires_arret/?rub_code=28&lign_id="+lineId+"&laDate="+date+"&sens="+sens + "&pa_id=" + Point.Id); var text = document.createTextNode("Horaires à l'arrêt"); aLink.appendChild(text); divLink.appendChild(aLink); return divLink; } // Création du lien départ, arrivée et via function BuildLinkRI(Point, type) { var linkUrl=""; var linkUrlDep=""; var linkUrlArr=""; var linkUrlVia=""; if (RUB_CODE == RUB_RI) { var url = window.location.href; if( url !='') { url=url.replace("#routeForm",""); url=url.replace("#gmap",""); url=url.replace("#Carto",""); url=url.replace("#Result",""); url=url.replace("#goatSelection",""); parametersList=url.split('?'); ArrayParams = parametersList[1].split('&'); var sep="&"; for (var i=0;i < ArrayParams.length ;i++ ) { var value = ArrayParams[i].split('='); if((value[0]!="") && (value[0]!="rub_code") && (value[0]!="laction") && (value[0]!="comDep") && (value[0]!="pointDep") && (value[0]!="pointPrefDep") && (value[0]!="comArr") && (value[0]!="pointArr") && (value[0]!="pointPrefArr") && (value[0]!="comVia") && (value[0]!="pointVia") && (value[0]!="pointPrefVia")) { linkUrl +=sep+ArrayParams[i]; } else { if((value[0]=="comDep" && value[1]!="0") || (value[0]=="pointDep" && value[1]!="") || (value[0]=="numDep" && value[1]!="") || (value[0]=="pointPrefDep" && value[1]!="")) { linkUrlDep += sep + ArrayParams[i] } if((value[0]=="comArr" && value[1]!="0") || (value[0]=="pointArr" && value[1]!="") || (value[0]=="numArr" && value[1]!="") || (value[0]=="pointPrefArr" && value[1]!="")) { linkUrlArr += sep + ArrayParams[i] } if((value[0]=="comVia" && value[1]!="0") || (value[0]=="pointVia" && value[1]!="") || (value[0]=="numVia" && value[1]!="") || (value[0]=="pointPrefVia" && value[1]!="")) { linkUrlVia += sep + ArrayParams[i] } } } } linkUrl=linkUrl.replace("'"," "); var divLink = document.createElement("div"); addClassOnElement(divLink,"link"); if (type == TYPE_PTA) { var divLines = document.createElement("div"); addClassOnElement(divLines,"lines"); addPictoLinesStop(Point.LogicalStopId, divLines); divLink.appendChild(divLines); var linkStopHour=document.createElement("a"); linkStopHour.setAttribute("class", "linkStopHour"); linkStopHour.setAttribute("href","/horaires_arret/?rub_code=28"+"&pointDep="+ setTripPointKey(Point, type)); var textHour = document.createTextNode("Horaires à l'arrêt"); linkStopHour.appendChild(textHour); divLink.appendChild(linkStopHour); } var linkProx=document.createElement("a"); linkProx.setAttribute("href","/carte_interactive/?rub_code=145"+"&pointDep=" + setTripPointKey(Point, type)); linkProx.setAttribute("class", "linkProx"); var textProx = document.createTextNode("A proximité"); linkProx.appendChild(textProx); divLink.appendChild(linkProx); } else { var divLink = document.createElement("div"); addClassOnElement(divLink,"link"); var aDep=document.createElement("a"); aDep.setAttribute("class", "riDep"); aDep.setAttribute("href","/ri/?rub_code=4"+ linkUrl + linkUrlArr + linkUrlVia +"&pointDep="+ setTripPointKey(Point, type)); var textDep = document.createTextNode("En partir"); aDep.appendChild(textDep); var aArr=document.createElement("a"); aArr.setAttribute("href","/ri/?rub_code=4"+ linkUrl + linkUrlDep + linkUrlVia +"&pointArr=" + setTripPointKey(Point, type)); aArr.setAttribute("class", "riArr"); var textArr = document.createTextNode("Y aller"); aArr.appendChild(textArr); divLink.appendChild(aDep); divLink.appendChild(aArr); /*if (DISPLAY_VIA_RI == "1") { var divLink2 = document.createElement("div"); addClassOnElement(divLink2,"link"); var aVia = document.createElement("a"); aVia.setAttribute("href","/ri/?rub_code=4"+ linkUrl + linkUrlArr + linkUrlDep +"&pointVia=" + setTripPointKey(Point, type)); var textVia = document.createTextNode("Passer par ce lieu"); aVia.appendChild(textVia); divLink2.appendChild(aVia); divLink.appendChild(divLink2); }*/ } return divLink; } //permet d'initialiser les evenements sur les checkBox qui representent les types de poi function InitPOI() { initPOI = true; if (RUB_CODE == RUB_PRESENTATION) { ArrayPlacesCateg[4] = "Vélomagg libre-service"; ArrayPlacesImg[4] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_4.png"; ArrayPlaces[4] = new Array(); $('#s1_4').bind("click", function () { CheckPOI(4); }); ArrayPlacesCateg[5] = "Vélomagg véloparcs"; ArrayPlacesImg[5] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_5.png"; ArrayPlaces[5] = new Array(); $('#s1_5').bind("click", function () { CheckPOI(5); }); ArrayPlacesCateg[200] = "Vélomagg loisirs"; ArrayPlacesImg[200] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_200.png"; ArrayPlaces[200] = new Array(); $('#s1_200').bind("click", function () { CheckPOI(200); }); ArrayPlacesCateg[236] = "Vélomagg plage"; ArrayPlacesImg[236] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_236.png"; ArrayPlaces[236] = new Array(); $('#s1_236').bind("click", function () { CheckPOI(236); }); } else if (RUB_CODE == RUB_DEPOSITAIRE) { ArrayPlacesCateg[20] = "Espaces mobilité"; ArrayPlacesImg[20] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_20.png"; ArrayPlaces[20] = new Array(); $('#s1_20').bind("click", function () { CheckPOI(20); }); ArrayPlacesCateg[21] = "Commerçants relais"; ArrayPlacesImg[21] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_21.png"; ArrayPlaces[21] = new Array(); $('#s1_21').bind("click", function () { CheckPOI(21); }); } else { var ssName = "velostation"; var JSStr = ""; ArrayPlacesCateg[4] = "Vélostations"; ArrayPlacesImg[4] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_4.png"; ArrayPlaces[4] = new Array(); JSStr = JSStr + "CheckPOI2( ssName , " + 4 + ");"; ArrayPlacesCateg[200] = "Vélostations"; ArrayPlacesImg[200] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_200.png"; ArrayPlaces[200] = new Array(); JSStr = JSStr + "CheckPOI2( ssName , " + 200 + ");"; ArrayPlacesCateg[235] = "Vélomagg à l'année"; ArrayPlacesImg[235] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_235.png"; ArrayPlaces[235] = new Array(); JSStr = JSStr + "CheckPOI2( ssName , " + 235 + ");"; ArrayPlacesCateg[236] = "Vélomagg plage"; ArrayPlacesImg[236] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_236.png"; ArrayPlaces[236] = new Array(); JSStr = JSStr + "CheckPOI2( ssName , " + 236 + ");"; ArrayPlacesCateg[237] = "Vélomagg' Electrik"; ArrayPlacesImg[237] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_237.png"; ArrayPlaces[237] = new Array(); JSStr = JSStr + "CheckPOI2( ssName , " + 237 + ");"; JS[ssName] = JSStr; ArrayPlacesCateg[5] = "Véloparcs"; ArrayPlacesImg[5] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_5.png"; ArrayPlaces[5] = new Array(); $('#s1_5').bind("click", function () { CheckPOI(5); }); var ssName = "parking"; var JSStr = ""; ArrayPlacesCateg[6] = "Parkings P + Tram"; ArrayPlacesImg[6] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_6.png"; ArrayPlaces[6] = new Array(); JSStr = JSStr + "CheckPOI2( ssName , " + 6 + ");"; ArrayPlacesCateg[1] = "Lieu public"; ArrayPlacesImg[1] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_1.png"; ArrayPlaces[1] = new Array(); JSStr = JSStr + "CheckPOI2( ssName , " + 1 + ");"; JS[ssName] = JSStr; ArrayPlacesCateg[8] = "Parkings de proximité"; ArrayPlacesImg[8] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_8.png"; ArrayPlaces[8] = new Array(); $('#s1_8').bind("click", function () { CheckPOI(8); }); ArrayPlacesCateg[9] = "Parkings de centre-ville"; ArrayPlacesImg[9] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_9.png"; ArrayPlaces[9] = new Array(); $('#s1_9').bind("click", function () { CheckPOI(9); }); var ssName = "pointvente"; var JSStr = ""; ArrayPlacesCateg[21] = "Commerçants relais"; ArrayPlacesImg[21] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_21.png"; ArrayPlaces[21] = new Array(); JSStr = JSStr + "CheckPOI2( ssName , " + 21 + ");"; ArrayPlacesCateg[22] = "Maisons de proximité"; ArrayPlacesImg[22] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_22.png"; ArrayPlaces[22] = new Array(); JSStr = JSStr + "CheckPOI2( ssName , " + 22 + ");"; JS[ssName] = JSStr; ArrayPlacesCateg[20] = "Espaces mobilité"; ArrayPlacesImg[20] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_20.png"; ArrayPlaces[20] = new Array(); $('#s1_20').bind("click", function () { CheckPOI(20); }); ArrayPlacesCateg[201] = "Stations d'autopartage"; ArrayPlacesImg[201] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_201.png"; ArrayPlaces[201] = new Array(); $('#s1_201').bind("click", function () { CheckPOI(201); }); ArrayPlacesCateg[202] = "Aires de covoiturage"; ArrayPlacesImg[202] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_202.png"; ArrayPlaces[202] = new Array(); $('#s1_202').bind("click", function () { CheckPOI(202); }); var ssName = "enseignement"; var JSStr = ""; ArrayPlacesCateg[210] = "Écoles"; ArrayPlacesImg[210] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_210.png"; ArrayPlaces[210] = new Array(); JSStr = JSStr + "CheckPOI2( ssName , " + 210 + ");"; ArrayPlacesCateg[211] = "Collèges, lycées"; ArrayPlacesImg[211] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_211.png"; ArrayPlaces[211] = new Array(); JSStr = JSStr + "CheckPOI2( ssName , " + 211 + ");"; ArrayPlacesCateg[212] = "Enseignement supérieur"; ArrayPlacesImg[212] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_212.png"; ArrayPlaces[212] = new Array(); JSStr = JSStr + "CheckPOI2( ssName , " + 212 + ");"; JS[ssName] = JSStr; var ssName = "administration"; var JSStr = ""; ArrayPlacesCateg[220] = "Administrations"; ArrayPlacesImg[220] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_220.png"; ArrayPlaces[220] = new Array(); JSStr = JSStr + "CheckPOI2( ssName , " + 220 + ");"; ArrayPlacesCateg[230] = "Hôtels de ville, d'agglomération, de département et de région"; ArrayPlacesImg[230] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_230.png"; ArrayPlaces[230] = new Array(); JSStr = JSStr + "CheckPOI2( ssName , " + 230 + ");"; ArrayPlacesCateg[231] = "Maisons de quartier et maisons pour tous"; ArrayPlacesImg[231] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_231.png"; ArrayPlaces[231] = new Array(); JSStr = JSStr + "CheckPOI2( ssName , " + 231 + ");"; ArrayPlacesCateg[233] = "Bureaux de poste"; ArrayPlacesImg[233] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_233.png"; ArrayPlaces[233] = new Array(); JSStr = JSStr + "CheckPOI2( ssName , " + 233 + ");"; JS[ssName] = JSStr; var ssName = "loisirs"; var JSStr = ""; ArrayPlacesCateg[223] = "Bibliothèques, médiathèques"; ArrayPlacesImg[223] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_223.png"; ArrayPlaces[223] = new Array(); JSStr = JSStr + "CheckPOI2( ssName , " + 223 + ");"; ArrayPlacesCateg[229] = "Loisirs et culture"; ArrayPlacesImg[229] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_229.png"; ArrayPlaces[229] = new Array(); JSStr = JSStr + "CheckPOI2( ssName , " + 229 + ");"; ArrayPlacesCateg[232] = "Musées"; ArrayPlacesImg[232] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_232.png"; ArrayPlaces[232] = new Array(); JSStr = JSStr + "CheckPOI2( ssName , " + 232 + ");"; JS[ssName] = JSStr; ArrayPlacesCateg[215] = "Sports"; ArrayPlacesImg[215] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_215.png"; ArrayPlaces[215] = new Array(); $('#s1_215').bind("click", function () { CheckPOI(215); }); ArrayPlacesCateg[216] = "Stades"; ArrayPlacesImg[216] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_216.png"; ArrayPlaces[216] = new Array(); $('#s1_216').bind("click", function () { CheckPOI(216); }); ArrayPlacesCateg[221] = "Arènes"; ArrayPlacesImg[221] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_221.png"; ArrayPlaces[221] = new Array(); $('#s1_221').bind("click", function () { CheckPOI(221); }); ArrayPlacesCateg[224] = "Centres commerciaux"; ArrayPlacesImg[224] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_224.png"; ArrayPlaces[224] = new Array(); $('#s1_224').bind("click", function () { CheckPOI(224); }); ArrayPlacesCateg[225] = "Châteaux et domaines"; ArrayPlacesImg[225] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_225.png"; ArrayPlaces[225] = new Array(); $('#s1_225').bind("click", function () { CheckPOI(225); }); ArrayPlacesCateg[226] = "Cimetières"; ArrayPlacesImg[226] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_226.png"; ArrayPlaces[226] = new Array(); $('#s1_226').bind("click", function () { CheckPOI(226); }); ArrayPlacesCateg[227] = "Lieux de culte"; ArrayPlacesImg[227] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_227.png"; ArrayPlaces[227] = new Array(); $('#s1_227').bind("click", function () { CheckPOI(227); }); ArrayPlacesCateg[228] = "Hôpitaux et cliniques"; ArrayPlacesImg[228] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_228.png"; ArrayPlaces[228] = new Array(); $('#s1_228').bind("click", function () { CheckPOI(228); }); ArrayPlacesCateg[234] = "Campings"; ArrayPlacesImg[234] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_234.png"; ArrayPlaces[234] = new Array(); $('#s1_234').bind("click", function () { CheckPOI(234); }); ArrayPlacesCateg[222] = "Autres équipements"; ArrayPlacesImg[222] = CARTO_IMG + "/place_222.png"; ArrayPlaces[222] = new Array(); $('#s1_222').bind("click", function () { CheckPOI(222); }); //regroupement des POI correspondants $('#s1_stop').bind("click", function () { if ($('#s1_stop').is(':checked') && mymap.getZoom() >= ZOOM_SHOW_STOP) { AddStopsByBoundingBox(mymap.getBounds().getSouthWest().lat, mymap.getBounds().getSouthWest().lng, mymap.getBounds().getNorthEast().lat, mymap.getBounds().getNorthEast().lng,""); 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} else { HideMarkers(ArrayPlaces); } } } function CheckPOI2(categ, sscateg) { if ($('#s1_' + categ).is(':checked') && mymap.getZoom() >= ZOOM_SHOW_POI) { $('#s1_' + sscateg).attr('checked','checked'); AddPlacesByBoundingBox(mymap.getBounds().getSouthWest().lat, mymap.getBounds().getSouthWest().lng, mymap.getBounds().getNorthEast().lat, mymap.getBounds().getNorthEast().lng, sscateg); ; } else { $('#s1_' + sscateg).removeAttr('checked'); HideMarkers(ArrayPlaces[sscateg]); } } function FullScreenControl(map) { var controlDiv = document.createElement('DIV'); // Set CSS for the control border var controlUI = document.createElement('DIV'); controlUI.id = "fullScreenControl"; controlUI.title = "Cliquez pour passer en mode plein écran"; controlDiv.appendChild(controlUI); // Set CSS for the control interior var controlText = document.createElement('DIV'); controlText.id = "fullScreenText"; controlText.innerHTML = "Plein écran"; controlUI.appendChild(controlText); // Setup the click event listener google.maps.event.addDomListener(controlUI, 'click', function () { var div = $("#mapContainer"); 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